I've been living in Washington, D.C. for a little over a week now, and I'm having a pretty good time. The one thing that keeps hitting me, though, is how much DC is like Tokyo. Maybe it's something true of large metropolitan areas, but there are some really striking similarities.
-The Metro. Dang, gotta love efficient mass transportation. Granted, the metro isn't as clean or as ubiquitous as the Tokyo JR train system (you can get almost ANYWHERE on the JR, and the subways cover the rest), but it's less crowded (the Red Line at rush hour doesn't even come close to the Den-en-Toshi sen at 8 pm) and there's twice as much seating. And SmarTrip is SUICA without the penguin on it. Which is kind of too bad, because I love the penguin.
-National capital. Oh government, you are everywhere. Government, and people in suits.
-Humidity. Oh god, today I think sweated more than I have since I left Japan. I'm really surprised not to see more people carrying around handkerchiefs and hand towels to periodically wipe themselves down. I'm having my mom send mine out as soon as possible.
-Cherry blossoms. Won't see this until spring, but I have a feeling more that a few people will be rockin' the hanami (blossom viewing parties).
-People speaking Japanese. Seriously, I walked onto the train the other day and the group next to me was talking about Tokyo. In Japanese. Excitement!
I miss some of the cooler things about Tokyo, like karaoke and the best convenience store food I've ever encountered (they will microwave your chicken nuggets for you, right in the store!). But so far, DC is beating out Tokyo for ease of living. Everyone (or nearly everyone) speaks English, and there is so much more greenery here. When I think of Tokyo, I think of lights and concrete and being squished into the train against dozens of other sweaty people.
DC is classy. It's relaxed, and fun. I like it a lot, despite the lack of nomihodai karaoke (all you can drink and all you can sing), steaming hot Circle-K yakisoba, and tuna mayo onigiri. If DC gets these things (and heck, it might already have them and I just don't know where to look), I will totally be set for life.