Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Movin' on up

I'm moving my big suitcase into my new Pentagon City apartment tomorrow, which is exciting and kind of scary. I found it through Craigslist, and I'm living with two other 20-something women in the converted living room of a 2 bedroom apartment. I think most of the scary will be trying to get my huge-ass suitcase all the way across town on the Metro. But the room is big and my new roommates are really nice, so excitement outweighs the scary.

I'm pretty psyched. This is my first real apartment, and even though I'm not living in a real room with four walls and a door, I'm living on my own! Shopping for food, paying rent, working 9 to 6 weekdays, and budgeting! Maybe buying myself a bedframe or futon to go with the mattress I'm inheriting (or at least new sheets)!

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